Saturday, December 20, 2008

How to get the Older Timers badge

No one can any more, I think. Though you might be able to if you haven't upgraded your page. Even then, nobody knows what qualifies you to get it.


Anonymous said...

actually a lot of people know how to get the old timers badge, so here it goes: If you created your account in/before 2005 when you upgrade you club page to mln page echo would send you a message with 10 white lego bricks and 10 black lego bricks and theh old timers badge blueprint (it only costs 1 red lego brick to make it)attached to it. Thanks for a glitch people who made their accounts in or before 2007 can also recieve this badge.
My username in mln is: guigafreire
I'm pleased to hel you!

Vanderdecken12 said...

Hello, Guigafreire. Yes, I know that is how it is supposed to be gotten, but because of the glitch, it seems totally random as to whether or not you actually will get it.

Thank you,

Marco said...

I joined in 2007! How can I get the badge?

Sim533 said...

You get it if you update your old page to a mln page