Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to get the Bionicle stuff

First off, go to http://bionicle.lego.com/en-us/Products/Agori/Default.aspx and click in the bottom right corner of the picture of Raanu, and of Berix. They will both give you things. The thing that Berix will give you, a red pearl or a spear fragment, is refreshed 4 times a day, so come back often. You will need to come back as much as you can in order to get everything you need.

Then, go to MY  LEGO  NETWORK and collect what they both sent you. Go to Raanu's page and be friends with him. Then, go to Malum's page and be friends with him. Go back to Raanu's page and get the Thornax module blueprint. Go to your inventory and build as many of those as you like (they take up 1 slot). Put them on your page, and wait until you have gotten 1. Then, send it to Malum. He will give you the Thornax Stew blueprint, which costs 5 thornax, and 1 rock salt. Get 10 more thornax and trade with Malum for the rock salt on his page. Build the thornax stew and go to Zesk's page. Befriend it and send it a Thornax stew, then, befriend  the Vorox. Make 5 Thornax stews, and trade with the Vorox for a Stinger Oath. Send it to Raanu, and you will get the rank 1 badge. Build it (1 Thornax).

Go to Tarduk's page. Befriend him. 

Trade for the Jungle Sticker module (10 thornax). Build it (2 rock salts from Malum's page). Then put it on your page.*

Next, go around on other people's pages looking for the sticker module. Once you've found one, click on it until you win an ancient scroll. Once you have the scroll, mail it to Tarduk. Then, befriend GRESH. Send him a Thornax. Then, go to GRESH's page and get the Glatorian contract blueprint and GRESH's seal (1 thornax each). Then go to Berix's page and get the bade blueprint. Build the badge.

Befriend Metus. 

Go get the Desert Location module blueprint from Metus's page, and build it.*

Find someone else's Desert location module, and click on it until you get the Desert Location. Send it to Metus. He will give you something which will allow you to befriend Strakk. Once you have befriended Strakk, trade with him for the rank 4 badge (5 thornax) and build it.

Then, befriend Atakus. Get Atakus's mark from him on his page (50 thornax). Befriend Skrall and get his seal (25 thornax). By now, hopefully, you will have gotten all three pieces of the spear. Get the blueprint on Berix's page (1 thornax) and build it. Send it Tarix. Tarix will give you the seal. Make the Glatorian Contract. Send it to Raanu. Raanu will give you the 5th badge blueprint. Congratulations!!! You now have the 5th Agori Honor badge! You have finished the mini-rank, and save the Bionicle world.

*Nothing in this paragraph is necessary, but helpful to your friends, and could be a good way of getting thornax.


S said...

Wow! This is a good step-by-step guide. Do you know what the AGORI TROPHY MODULE is??? How do you use that???

perheps a sequel on this...

Vanderdecken12 said...

I don't think they've released it yet.

ilikeitgui said...

I also noticed "Quick Silver Flux" on Berix's page, but I don't see where to get that.

S said...

i'm reading the mbs every day and i will say it if they released.

S said...

... search after a bonehunter trap module. Click until you've got 5 bonehunter blades. Got to raanu page. Trade the agori trophy module. Search after a bonehunter trap module. Click until you've got 20 bonehunter blades. Go to raanu page and trade it. Make the agori trophy module . Go to raanu's page and trade the ambush module and then make it. Good luck

Unknown said...

I have done all that but i still need spear fragment 3, how do you get it?

Vanderdecken12 said...

Berix isn't giving them to you? That's not good. I'd give you one myself, but I don't have any either!

Anonymous said...

sam i have a spear piece 3 for 20 clicks on my waterbug

Anonymous said...

sim533 you dont need the desert ambush because its useless when you get bonehunter blades and strakk might send it to you

Sim533 said...

Vanderdecken12. Maybe you could change it here.

Unknown said...

I can't befriend metus.i did everything i did before before befriending him and still,nothing!please help me....